Styled to your taste
When you book a wedding or portrait you will also get an extra step in the process to fine tune the style of your photographs. I will walk you through various styles to identify the look you like then fine tune it to your individual taste. Each style below can be adjusted in a multitude of ways including saturation, contrast, brightness, hue shifts and split toning. The end result will be stunning - GUARANTEED.
Choose Your Style
Fujicolor 400H
The Fujicolor 400H film stock is a firm favourite for weddings,
Eckert provides a faded look with a soft filmic appearance.
Sony SH
Sony SH is a basic style straight from the Sony camera that produces a bright atmosphere with transparency, softness, and vibrancy. Recommended for creating a soft, gentle mood.
Prestige provides a contrasty vibrant look with wonderful skin tones.
Faded Glory
This highly stylised film emulation benefits from a beautiful fade in the shadows and a dreamy feel.
Mount Airy
Provides a light and airy feel and subtly warms skin tones. A popular choice.
Silver Soft
Silver Soft makes everyone look10 years younger. It creates a glowy soft look and reduces clarity and texture.
Kodak Tri-X 400
Possibly the most popular black and white film ever.
Ilford Pan F Plus 50
This famous film stock is contrasty and works wonders when the lighting is right (bright)
Adobe Portrait
Lightroom’s own take on the perfect portrait
Portra 160VC
A popular portrait film stock from Kodak